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Phase 3

Tuesday 7th December

Before I progress with Phase 4 I am going to reflect upon Phase 3.


Phase 3

During Phase 3 I teamed up with Kiera as we found common links/themes between our topics and thought it would be a good idea to take a combination of our ideas further. I feel this was the best idea because we both had research which we still continue to use throughout the project and help each other understand what the other might not have touched on during Phase 2.


We have explored a lot of options and together visited different physical spaces to propose as possibilities for our game and I feel we have a lot of thorough research behind what we intend to do! There was a lot I discovered throughout Phase 3 in terms of technology, which are definitely too out of reach - taking into account the expense and accessibility of certain devices. However, I think we have narrowed it down to the most suitable options which I am hoping we can use in the long-run.


I feel during this stage I was able to produce a thorough amount of research to be able to make our ideas possible and overall learned a lot regarding different technologies and other design factors such as environmental and social dimensions of design.


Drawbacks/Limitations & Feasibility

I was certainly worried about the feasibility of this project. Before researching into how to do things I worried about how we might make this all feasible for our final project especially as there are only two of us working in a team with very similar practices. But after discussing this and doing a lot of research, we have identified ways we use physical spaces and also considered the possibility of creating our own box, which we will expand on during Phase 4. We also further discussed the kind of roles we would take upon ourselves in Semester Two, to ensure we were able the idea of our choosing.


My skillset mostly consists of 2D art, marketing, prototyping and some knowledge on Sound Design so I'd be happy to take on these responsibilities. Also during the Professional Contexts module I identified that I have an interest in being Art Lead/Director somewhere in the near future, so this is something I would like to work on too. In terms of Kiera's capabilities, she is also skilled in 2D art, narrative and coding! Last academic year, Kiera was able to learn the basic foundations of C# and has expressed that she'd be happy to be responsible for this again. This way we can combine our different skillsets to make this project feasible.


Phase 4: Plan

As for Phase 4, it's time to choose 1 idea to take forward and refine. We plan to look more into visual appearance and potential interactions which could take place in the space. We have discussed which idea we think would be best to take into Phase 4, but to ensure we make the right decision I will be evaluating our responses from our Phase 3 presentation first. From here, I can make a weekly plan for Phase 4, and think about the kind of research avenues I'll have to take to bring our idea to life. I know this will involve a lot of research into creating our own physical spaces as well as thinking about colour theory and potential art styles.


We intend to be direct within our Project Proposal but also provide options for different aspects of our game to show we have explored a variety of them such as visuals and interactions. During the last few weeks of Phase 4 we will also produce and present our Project Proposal which is scheduled to take place on the 18th January. I am excited to refine our project that little bit more before finally presenting our proposal, and I am enthusiastic towards Semester 2 and finally making our vision come to life!


Next steps can be found here: Phase 4

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