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Phase 2

Tuesday 8th November

Before I progress with Phase 3 I am going to reflect upon Phase 2 by highlighting my interests and what I'd like to take further.


Phase 2

During Phase 2 I focused my research on Music Psychology and discovered avenues which I can now take further and begin ideation with. The areas that interested me the most were the affects of music on the brain, the importance of sound in media and Immersion. I have branched out into Immersive experiences and gameplay and intend to use my knowledge of music to combine these themes! I feel I could make something great with what I know about the impact immersion and sound can have on people and therefore would like to implement this into my project proposal. I am also thinking of looking into the UN's goals which I know highlights a little about mental health, which I'd like to look into a little more. 


Phase 3: Plan

During Phase 3 I plan to outline my project goals before I progress and potentially combine links with my peers. This way we can develop a more detailed project rather than if I worked solo - there are a lot of elements I have researched that I'd like to 'gamify' and working with another person would allow me to have my own foci. For the next phase, I intend to look further into the positive effects of music on mental health and explore how this could be used to benefit others. I'd love to provide people with support to reflect upon how they feel as well as help them control sensations of anxiety and stress etc. My research into Music Psychology helped me to understand the effects of music and also how music can be composed to manipulate the feelings of the listener which could help with calming or controlling players - I'd love to use this to my advantage and by doing so, document my experience as a Sound Designer!


I'd also like to consider environmental aspects of my design, applying what I have learned from my Considerations in Design research. This will allow me to be more sustainable and think about more eco-friendly options. My intentions for the start of this project relate closely to helping people and raising awareness, so hopefully my end outcome can benefit people socially.


Chosen Topic

To conclude Phase 2, I have done a thorough amount of research regarding Music Psychology that I am happy with and I've learned a lot about the importance of music and sound in a variety of media. I discovered a lot that I didn't know about such as using the communicative nature of music as a therapy tool and also found several artists that use music as a form of expression in their artwork. I am excited to take this topic forward possibly with a team-mate and hopefully create a game that can promote well-being through the power of music. It would be ideal to take something like this forward as it's something close to my heart and I am extremely passionate towards it. I'd like to raise awareness of mental health as well as provide people with the means to manage or cope with certain feelings/symptoms, and it would be a strong project to document in my Portfolio, to showcase what I am really interested in and hopefully one day secure employment in a workplace that would love to do the same.


It would be ideal to find a teammate(s) with similar intentions, this way we can combine our passions and achieve something that comes from the heart. I intend to make my intentions clearer by beginning Phase 3 with an essential experience and outlining my project goals, this way I have a strong foundation to begin research and ideation from. I'll take note of research sources I could use to enhance my essential experience and to make sure I have the evidence to support my ideas.


The beginning of Phase 3 can be found here: Phase 3

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