Tuesday 7th December 2021

What does Phase 4 entail?
The chosen Idea
'GPP' - Project Proposal
Phase 4 - The Final Phase!
THE FINAL PHASE! It's come so fast... Phase 4 is based on refining our idea and presenting a final Project Proposal to take forward in Semester 2.
We will be presenting our Project Proposal on the 18th January 2021. From now my teammate and I plan to narrow our 3 ideas down to 1 by using our suggestions and feedback from our previous presentation. We will then refine this idea by looking into visual appearance, interactions and other design possibilities.
Week 10-14
Week 10
Identify 1 idea to take forward
Last bits of research to support this idea
Week 11-12
Potential interactions in the space - anxiety techniques, self-care, grounding etc.
Visual appearance - what might the game look like? Reasoning for choices.
Week 13-14
Translate refined idea into 'Project Proposal'.
Produce a presentation for our Project Proposal.
Present with Kiera on the 18th January.​
Identify an Idea - which one do we take forward?
My Objectives & Aims
By using our suggestions and feedback from our previous class presentation as well as our own opinions we will establish a final idea to refine to begin Phase 4. I aim to do more research into this idea and explore different options for this idea which we can present in our Proposal, to show we have thought about our different possibilities. I intend to do surveys and research into the kind of visuals/art style of the game because understanding what the User finds most effective is a really important factor of our game.
Project Proposal
To create our Project Proposal, we must gather our research and work so far to be direct with our target audience, purpose and design conclusions. By doing this we can come across confident in our idea and show that we have thought about the different possibilities as well as put in the effort to explore our options.
I will begin by identifying the idea I will take forward and discuss with Kiera which one we feel showcases our Project Goals the most. We will consider our capabilities and feasibility of each project, as well as what we think will be the most effective.
This can be found here: Refining an Idea