Tuesday 19th October 2021

What does Phase 2 entail?
Visual Exploration
Users/Target audience
Visual research
Combining Links
What were my 4 Starting Points?
Music Psychology
Sustainable Fashion
The History of Cyprus
My Chosen Topic
Today we have presented back our 4 chosen topics to the class and have gathered feedback/suggestions regarding each one.
To begin Phase 2, I will be evaluating the suggestions and feedback from the class based on my topics, to identify 1 to take forward. I will then begin to research in more depth, involving visual exploration, creating surveys and looking into a target audience.
On the 9th November I will then present back my final topic area with everything I have learned. From here I can potentially combine links, form a group and then swiftly move into Phase 3.

Marty O Donnel and his use of adaptive music in games.
The ways it's used in real life
How our brains react to different things (lots of research)
Therapy Tool
Recall moments (nostalgia)
What music gives what emotion?
Can all music be used for music therapy?
Why does singing make us feel happy?
Is there a limit to the amount of music that can be made?

Sustainable Fashion
How much does sustainable fashion help the environment?
Ikea Hacks
Compostable Clothing
Interview Amanda/Cecilia
Is it better for people to buy higher quality natural fibres so that the item of clothing lasts longer? Clothes made of synthetic fibres get worn out quicker and get thrown away on average after 2-3 years.
Can we make sustainable fashion less expensive so more people can afford it
What are some good sustainable fashion companies?
Fast fashion vs sustainable fashion
How bad is ‘Fast fashion’ for the environment, this includes stores like ‘Zara’ and ‘Primark’
Why are sustainable clothes so overpriced?

Eco therapy
Is going for a walk/hike considered eco therapy?
Can you cure phobia?
Space to relax
Are there people who don't have any phobias?
There's a cool (weird) kids cartoon called Figaro Pho that explores different types of phobias

The History of Cyprus
Political movement to split
Ghost Town
Why did the brits get involved?
Trying to flee
Sad and emotional poem
After receiving feedback and suggestions from the class I have a clear idea of the topic I'd like to go forward with. I feel the class struggled to expand the topic 'Phobias' because theres only so much I can learn regarding this topic and in terms of research I'm not sure where I'd take this next. In addition to this, I was fascinated by the class' suggestions to Sustainable Fashion and Music Psychology, because they explored areas I'd love to learn more about.
In terms of my interests and passions, Music resonates with me and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the topic therefore I feel this would be the right direction for me to choose. I am fascinated by the way Music and Sound can be used to benefit us as well as how the brain reacts and interacts with it. The class suggested some great research avenues such as Nostalgia and Synthesia and I'd love to eventually explore this in other mediums such as Games.
It was a difficult choice between my 4 topics because I felt strongly about each one. However, I have decided to take further Music Psychology.
WHY? Because Music has had a huge impact on myself and the people around me, and I’d love to properly understand the effects of this. I’m interested in understanding more about how the brain works and music’s impact, as well as also looking into how music can be used to benefit people emotionally. Sound Design is also a topic I am keen to learn more about and by researching these different avenues I can work my way towards focusing on this within Games Design.
Music Psychology
But how do I take this further?
Where do I begin?
Avenues to take my research further...
Research into how the brain is affected by music, draw/annotate diagrams and gather visuals
How the brain processes emotions after listening to different types of music?
The effects of sounds, pitch, and frequencies
Music as a therapy tool – looking into it further, how does it work and the benefits of it
Sound Design in games. Marty O’Donnell composer for Halo 3 – Adaptive Music for Games.
Nostalgia – The effects of music on memory and the way music engages with the brain.
How is music composed to manipulate emotions in listeners? E.g., specific structures, pitch, frequency etc.

What interests me most? Highlighted in green.
Sound Design in Games
How our brain reacts to different things - Does it depend on the Pitch or Frequency etc? Look into Auditory Cortex and the effects on the regions of the brain.
Music can be used as a Therapy Tool - Can all music be used for this? How does it work?
Music being produced with intention - how do composers do this?
How can music be used in real life?
What are the benefits of music?
Gathering sources
After noting down my interests and questions regarding Music Psychology, I will be gathering different sources to take my exploration further. This should include case studies, conducting surveys, youtube videos, books, journals and interviews.
Sources regarding the brain - diagrams, how it's affected by music.
Dive deeper into emotions - how music evokes different emotions. Maybe look into how different music does this. I could carry out an experiment to evaluate the different emotions projected by different songs and genres.
Benefits of music therapy - how can it be used on a day to day basis? how is it used now?
How do composers intentionally compose their music with specific intentions in mind? - the effect on emotions, how is this done regarding music therapy?
Books - Visual Music by Brian Eno. (Alumni of University of Southampton!)
Surveys - how important is music to you? Does it have the same effect on all of us? Do some find it more useful than others? - Ask for age of participants.
Brain -
Composer in Games -
Therapy Tool