Tuesday 7th December 2021
I plan to evaluate the suggestions and feedback provided from our Phase 3 presentation, and discuss with Kiera which idea we should take further.
From here, I intend to further develop and refine this idea by thinking about what extra research would help.
Reflect upon previous prototypes, what worked and what didn't? What changes could I make to this idea to improve it?
Phase 4 - Choosing one Idea!
We have entered the fourth and final phase of the project before entering Semester Two. It is now essential to narrow our three game concepts down to 1, and begin diving deeper into how we could propose this idea.
To begin this phase, Kiera and I will be evaluating our suggestions and feedback from our previous Phase 3 presentation which can be found here: Presentation 3
I will begin by documenting and evaluating the suggestions from our Phase 3 presentation. The results of this are certainly the most important, as the target audience of our project are students around the same age group as our class. Essentially, our peers will be a huge part of this project and will be useful to undertake user/play-testing of our final idea.​ It's important to take on board what they thought about our 3 ideas and from this we can conclude on which one was the most impactful and of interest to them.
Phase 3 Presentation - Comments
To gather responses to our presentation we used ''. This allowed listeners to rapidly document their responses anonymously!
Our feedback can be found under the microcosm: ek3
Red boxes represent our 3 game ideas.
Blue represents class comments, responses, suggestions and feedback.

Idea 1
A quiet room is a great starting point​
User experience - taking into consideration how users will interact is a great way to engage people
Might be hard to create in the limited time
Like the idea of sensory elements
Idea 2
Personalised space is a great idea to make players feel at home
Enjoys the ability to customise it to your liking
Again might be too hard to make in the limited time (12 weeks)
Idea 3
Accessible media - mobile was a good choice for the kind of thing we'd like to achieve
Could also encourage users to use headphones which could result in a better experience
Maybe Idea 3 could work with a little of idea 1?
Sound Design might become too 'ASMR' - this could result in hypersensitivity. Could supply players with the option to change sound etc.
The response to our game concepts were great, although there were a few responses regarding time-frame and people being worried about us achieving so much in a short amount of time. In addition to this, the 'hypersensitivity' comment made is something we must take into consideration. We do not want to cause upset in players or result in them feeling overwhelmed as this is the complete opposite of what we aim to achieve. If we were to take a 'physical space' idea forward, we must account for this, as well as sensory overload. This could involve giving players the option to change music or provide them with advanced controls to make adjustments - these are examples of both accessible and inclusive design. The class also liked the idea of an interactive space and suggested it would be good to use 'quiet spaces' as a starting point.
In terms of time-frame, I believe this is something Kiera and I can work around. We are both hardworking and determined to bring our ideas to life so we will organise ourselves efficiently to ensure we produce a high quality, functioning game. As for our proposal, we will make sure our scope isn't too big and be direct with our capabilities.
The class then voted for which idea they liked the most/found most interesting, which resulted in a tie between game 1 and 2. These two ideas incorporate the use of a physical space to enhance immersion and player engagement which people are clearly interested in! This just shows the interest in physical spaces over the more commonly use platform being mobile gaming. This in itself suggests that mobile games aren't as effective as they could be, and people are intrigued to see how we can explore the use of a physical space to fulfil our project goals. (Emotional regulation, managing stress, anxiety and overwhelm and coping with these symptoms) This already gives us a unique selling point and an advantage over potential competitors!
1. The Interactive space - 5 votes
2. The custom space - 5 votes
3. 2D mobile 'footsteps' game - 2 votes​

My personal opinion
In my opinion, I believe one of the physical space ideas would be most interesting and beneficial to users. We spoke about the idea of a possible intervention, and I certainly believe our ideas could be used for this purpose! I feel the mobile game is a fun and effective way of achieving our goals however, it has been definitely been done before and isn't as 'unique' as our other two concepts. As well as this, the feedback from our class just shows the interest into our physical space ideas compared to the commonly used platform. It would be great for us to explore something out of our comfort zone and showcase our skills in a different light. This would be a great project to document in our portfolios, as well as capture our passion for the topic and show how much we push ourselves to achieve what we want.
To conclude on my choice of idea, I would love to take forward 'the interactive space'. I think the possibilities of this game would be most exciting and I am passionate towards this idea in terms of what we could achieve from it. I'd love to use what I have learned from Immersive technology such as surround sound systems, projection mapping and gesture control to achieve full immersion and player engagement in the space. As well as this, I can look more into visual and sound design, and focus on how we can use both components to soothe players and evoke feelings of calm and relaxation throughout the duration of the experience. From prototyping this idea, I did evaluate the struggle with implementing regulation techniques into the environment, so this might be something we have to change or adjust in some way.
Before we conclude on an idea, I plan to discuss game concepts with Kiera and come to a mutual agreement regarding the idea we should choose, considering our personal opinions as well as the suggestions from class, user/play testing and prototype results.
Kiera and I discussed each idea and came to a conclusion based on which one to take forward.
From this discussion, we can move on with a game concept and spend Phase 4 refining this idea, eventually translating it into the form of a Project Proposal.
Kiera and I agree that the mobile game is the weakest of the three
Based off class suggestions, feel the physical space ideas would be best to take forward
Would love to push ourselves to explore physical spaces further
Would be great to document in our portfolios
Using the physical space ides we can contact schools, talk to university alumni and consider passing the idea on as an intervention
Custom idea doesn't consist of much interaction, and would become more of an experience than a game
Custom game would mean we would have to create a series of environments and music types - we only have 12 weeks so this might be too much work
Interactive space - we like this idea and feel it's much more interesting compared to the other two.
Would have to explore interactions further because regulation techniques are quite difficult to implement we found.
We have the opportunity to turn the 'interactive space' into a playful game experience, as well as to benefit mental health.
To conclude on our discussion, we have decided to take forward THE INTERACTIVE SPACE! We have chosen this idea because we are the most passionate about it. We feel we can push ourselves to achieve something great, and it would be a strong project to document in our portfolios. It's the best idea to demonstrate our project goals/essential experience and capture our ambitions regarding games for change, serious games and games to benefit mental health. In addition to this, we thrive to be different and exploring different technology during Phase 3 meant we were able to consider different inputs, mediums and platforms, which I believe is our USP for our entire project.
Before we begin developing and proposing this idea, I thought it would be necessary to look over the evaluation of our game prototypes and consider what the limitations and drawbacks of this idea was. I created experience maps for each of the games, taking note on the pain points and opportunities of all three. By looking at these limitations, the first steps we can make should involve adapting and overcoming these, to make sure our project proposal is clear and direct with what we plan to achieve.
The prototypes and evaluation of this idea can be found within Phase 3 here:

The basic concept of the game was a physical space in which players visit on campus/at school (a possible intervention for all campuses) and undertake a series of 'regulation techniques' using their physical bodies or another form of input. We researched into gesture control which also caught our attention. The game would be designed with interactions, visuals and sound as its most vital components in terms of engagement and the effect on players. Because of this, during Phase 4 it's essential for me to continue my research into these 3 elements to make sure we have the foundations down to produce something like this. The effect of these elements will blend together to achieve our project goals being emotional and physical interaction. In summary, to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress through regulation techniques, self-care practices and the impact of visuals and sound/music.
From my experience map based off the outcome of my prototypes for this idea, it involved visuals and sound becoming overwhelming, becoming confused by how to navigate the game as well as the space being occupied/in use when it's needed. I provided the option of 'time slots' or booking sessions which would allow players to book in advance, but doesn't eliminate the problem of it not being free during times of desperation. An idea might be to shorten the duration of the experience it would still be just as effective. This means players would only have to wait around 10-15 minutes. As well as this, there was the issue with gameplay being ineffective for some people, which would be a waste of time and essentially make people feel no different or even worse. An opportunity for this is to provide them with the means to support themselves at home, through self-care techniques or practices.
The main experience involves the features of the physical space to achieve full immersion and player engagement, specifically focusing on engaging their senses which I looked into within my Sensory Research and Regulation Techniques in Phase 3. It's certainly necessary for us to look into our options for physical space more, because from my prototyping I evaluated that 'The 6m Cylinder' (which was the space we initially thought about using) is a little too big for this experience and players would benefit more in a smaller room, avoiding them feeling isolated or uncomfortable in such a large room. After we have established potential interactions for the space, I'll document my comparison between different physical spaces and then even a plan to construct our own! I will document my plans for the space here: The Physical Space.
Next steps can be found here: Potential Interactions
After discussing this idea with Kiera, we have chosen to disregard the regulation techniques idea and consider other forms of interactions/input. We expressed our difficulty in applying these techniques to gameplay so we believe it would be best to evaluate other ways for interactions to work. However, for now we plan to focus on the effect of visuals and sound in the space because these two elements will blend together to assist the regulation of emotions and achieve our project goals. Furthermore, our main focus for this Phase will be Sound and Visual Direction. We aim to research into ways we can achieve this through our own design, similar to my research into music composition in Phase 3 and then test a series of prototypes with users to evaluate the effectiveness of our ideas. We plan to briefly touch on interactions in the space and any other ideas we might have during these next few weeks.
Please read the rest of this page after reading Potential Interactions.
THE IDEA: Physical Space & Supporting Reflective App
After evaluating our choices for potential interactions we established a way to get the best result from our experience. This will involve a supporting mobile game which will be designed to encourage self-reflection through playful interactions. We have also considered subtle interactive elements within the physical space which we plan to establish in Semester two. Our reason behind this is because we'd like to take advantage of the interactive features of the space, but for now would like to focus on achieving immersion and engagement through sound and visuals.
The purpose of this supporting application is to channel feelings of motivation and optimism after the physical experience, into the means of reflection. In summary, when players leave the physical space feeling ready for the day, they can make use of these feelings by opening a supportive application which will provide them with the means to reflect and become more organised. As we have discovered from our User Research, students struggle with organisation and management of tasks due to the overload of responsibility. Being a student myself, I can agree that this is something that I struggle with on a daily basis! The game will give them the opportunity to improve their organisation and become more self-aware.
Next I will begin thinking about how this mobile game could work. I plan to create a mind-map of options and highlight the ideas that are of most interest to me. WHY? From here I can think about the usability of this game and how players might interact with it.
This page can be found in my physical Sketchbook alongside other supporting documents.

How could it work?
I mind-mapped ways our reflective app could work, relating this back to my Regulation Research and my own experiences as being a student. I discussed with Kiera and underlined the most interesting ideas which are the following:
Better organisation/scheduling/preparation - for exams, for tests, homework, tasks etc
Agendas and lists
Affirmations - motivational messages or imagery
Dream boards/vision boards
Reflection, journalling and self-awareness
I chose these ideas because I felt they were most appropriate and relevant in terms of being a student. I thought about what I needed and what would help me, and I plan to ask other students before finalising on this. However, I feel something based around organisation and agendas would be extremely helpful, especially if prior to the experience it might have been something you struggled with. To conclude on the idea, I want to create a mind-map of my personal needs in terms of being a student and also gather responses from others regarding what they need. From this I can recognise trends and patterns which will help me reach a conclusion.
What do students need?
I began by noting down my personal opinion regarding what I needed, this included things I need help with as well as things I need to get in order myself. Then I asked my peers around me what they needed to do the same.

Better structure to my day - help with timetabling, scheduling and preparation.
Supermarket on campus - easy and accessible food shops.
Priorities - I definitely need help with prioritising my tasks because sometimes i find myself doing too much at once and disregard what's most important.
Finances help - my peers suggested advice and help with finances and fees. This would help organising food shops and not spending too much money.
Better bus lines/shuttle services for travel from Southampton campus to WSA.
Social activities on campus.
Timetable structure - help with allocating hours for tasks to make sure they have time to get everything completed. Can be in the form of a calendar or to do list.
Meal planning - help with eating better and planning weekly shops etc. This encourages students to eat healthy and also organise their finances.
Vegan options at the canteen.
Help with tasks - how to prioritise and allocate time for uni work and part-time job.
Using these responses I can reflect upon what students need the most and come to a conclusion based on what our supportive game will do. Considering our own needs and the needs of our peers, we feel it would be best to provide them with something that will help them to stay organised and manage their time better. It's evident amongst us that there is a struggle with prioritising tasks and juggling all the responsibilities that come with being a student. Because of this, Kiera and I have decided that being given the opportunity to manage ourselves better would be most beneficial.
So what will our project be?
CREATING A PITCH - Using what I learned during Semester 1 of last year, I can use the technique of drafting a 'Pitch' for our game. The pitch should outline the tone of the game and a bit about what players will be doing. To create a refined pitch I must summarise our project first.
Players visit an immersive physical space of engaging sound and visuals to regulate emotions and benefit mental health.
Gameplay will consist of subtle interactions around the space.
Visual and Sound Design should encourage both physical and emotional regulation.
Experience should reduce feelings of anxiety and stress - as well as relieving physical symptoms of this.
Players open their personal reflective game, where they will be able to manage their tasks and organise themselves better.
Experience a world of soothing immersive visuals and sound with subtle interactive elements and the opportunity to reflect and improve organisation through a supportive mobile application.
Now I have established a draft pitch for my project. I'd like to create some concept sketches and storyboards for the gameplay experience. Once I have this down, I can refine my gameplay loop! We are most comfortable knowing how the immersive physical space will work but need to think more about our supportive game. I will spend the next few days creating concepts and a prototype to demonstrate it's usability.
Within my Game Analysis section, I analysed the game 'Aloe Bud'. This is an application designed to support ones mental health through subtle reminders and a range of techniques to encourage better health/promote well-being - such as reminders to take a breath or have a glass of water. I liked how simplistic the design of this application was and how it was designed to benefit people, without feeling intrusive or daunting.
From this I have begun to think about how our application might appear in terms of visuals and usability.
Mood-board made from a selection of Google Images.
I put together some sources for inspiration. This board contains app inspiration and physical ways of journalling and reflecting.

Simple icons
Physical dream boards - to pin point what you find inspiring and things that could motivate you
App that encourages regulation practices
A place to channel thoughts and feelings. Feeling meter.
Sticky notes and pin boards.
Daily reminders, affirmations and quotes for motivation.
We could take this into account and provide players with playful ways to improve their organisation and task management. It'll be important to keep it as short and sweet as we can, and to not require too much thought or information from players otherwise It will begin to feel like a chore. But our purpose here is to apply our knowledge of Games Design to this to enhance engagement and encourage interaction in an uplifting manner.
With the purpose of our supportive game in mind and an idea of how we visualise it, I plan to create a range of concept ideas which I can take further with prototyping.
I will begin by considering the requirements and aims for our supportive game and branch off my ideas from here.
The supportive game must have an intuitive design
It must not require too much thought or concentration
Must provide players with the means to organise themselves better and take time to reflect
Highly accessible and inclusive

The purpose of this game is to provide players with a playful tool to improve their organisation. I began by creating concepts of how this can be achieved and I sketched out 'task options' to do this. I came to the conclusion that it would be best for players to be able to visualise the tasks they need to complete and be able to place these into the form of a list or 'visual agenda'.
Being able to visualise tasks will make it easier for players to think about what they need to do to then make a suitable plan around this. To make gameplay more engaging I thought using visual icons would be much more intuitive and visually appealing. Kiera agreed that this idea would be more effective than interacting with words or text.
I took the idea of 'visual tasks' forward and mapped out 4 different concept ideas for this. I thought about how it might appear to players and how it could be used.

Players are given options for tasks in the form of visual icons. Players can then create a 'vision-board'/agenda for the tasks they need to complete over the next few days. I thought it would be a good idea to include different task options such as school work and home responsibilities. (Such as hoovering or tidying room)
The mechanics must be kept incredibly simple. But an idea for this is to use 'drag and drop' to choose tasks and drop them into a clear space. Players would then be able to combine and create links similar to a linear to do list. I was inspired by MIRO boards and for this linking technique.
I thought of a way this interaction could be more playful and established the idea of a virtual dream-board. Players would be provided with their options on a clear grid which they will choose to take into their personal space. The personal space will enable them to create their own dream-board where they can take notes around their tasks, use stickers and check tasks off. This is a much more appealing way of visualising tasks and encourages people to be a little creative. This technique was inspired by self-care techniques from Regulation Research.
The mechanics of this idea will involve tapping options and dragging and dropping stickers or tasks. Drag and drop allows them to fully customise their virtual board with the tasks they feel are most important. Maybe we can provide them with the tools to change colours of things or resize priorities.
This third concept gives players the chance to reflect upon their feelings from the experience and choose from category options regarding the different tasks they have to do. I created the idea of 'bubble tasks' where tasks would be in the form of bubbles which when complete, can be popped. This way players can clear the area and feel a sense of achievement. I also came up with the idea of being able to resize bubbles - the bigger you make the bubble, the higher the priority. This allows for players to distinguish their priorities and make tasks more manageable.
Mechanics will include tapping options and dragging/swiping to arrange their tasks in a way that suits them best. Players should also be able to tap to pop bubbles and pinch to resize. If we were to take this idea forward it would be important to distinguish the interactions between tapping to pop and arranging tasks because this could lead to accidentally popping tasks underway which could lead to frustration.
This final concept has a slightly different approach. This idea uses AR to combine physical and digital worlds. Players will be bale to take photos of what needs to be done, and form a visual board of photos. They will have the opportunity to organise them any way they like and it'll make it easier for users to visualise what needs to be done.
Mechanics will include capturing images of tasks through AR/use of a camera and drag/drop images to organise tasks in a way that suits you. A limitation I have discovered of this game already is if you aren't present in the location of this task, for example if you need to tidy your room.
I spoke to my peers regarding these four concepts and gathered a vote to establish one idea we can take forward to prototype and test. The concept with the most votes was Concept 3! I was informed that concept 3 seemed the most visually pleasing and people commented on the struggle to take photos of things they needed to do if they weren't around them at that current time. (Concept 4) People liked the idea of task options in the form of bubbles which they could then interact with to clear their space - they found this fun and playful whereas Concept 1 and 2 were suggseted to be quite boring and 'forced'. Because of this, Kiera and I agree that we should further prototype concept 3!
Prototyping can be found here: Prototyping/Testing App
(After Prototyping)
Now that we have established the two parts to our game, I intend to demonstrate our ideas in the form of the following:
Gameplay Loops
Gameplay Flow Chart
Experience Map
Game Overview
I have created the foundation of our Gameplay loop using a 'MIRO' board because I find this tool useful in mapping out idea generation. Taking into consideration the elements we have decided upon so far, I can establish the Activity, Reward and Opportunity of our gameplay experience. Throughout Semester 2 and a lot of testing, I expect this gameplay loop to become much more refined and direct with support from our design conclusions.

To demonstrate our refined game, I thought it would be best to do this visually. I enjoy storyboarding because it allows me to capture the most important elements of gameplay, in the form of visual descriptions. I prefer the more 'sketchy' approach rather than intricately drawn images so I plan to showcase my style in 6 stages, outlining the most important aspects of our game. I can use our refined gameplay loop to support this.
Last year I recall my lecturer James giving us tips before we began storyboarding our ideas which helped me think about the most important stages of my games as well as what our main focus for design will be.
James' Tips:
Camera angles
Framing Colour
Make the gameplay loop clear - consider activity/risk, reward and opportunity within each stage of your storyboard

OUTCOME OF EXPERIENCE - what we're hoping to achieve:
The result of this experience will make players feel balanced and recharged. Sound and visuals will be designed in a way that will encourage both emotional and physical regulation in players therefore, promote well-being and reduce sensations of anxiety and stress that might be causing them discomfort. The use of an immersive space engages and stimulates the players senses which is an important aspect of grounding and becoming self-aware.
Phase 1 - Players come across an accessible quiet place on campus.
Phase 2 - Player enters the quiet immersive space during their lunch break.
Phase 3 - Player observes their 360 degree virtual display/surroundings.
Phase 4 - Player engages with the display through playful interactions and immersion through sight.
Phase 5 - Players listen to soothing music, composed to evoke feelings of comfort and ease.
Phase 6 - Players leave the experience feeling relieved, regulated and recharged.

OUTCOME OF EXPERIENCE - what we're hoping to achieve:
The result of this experience should make players feel relieved by giving them a sense of achievement. We're hoping for players to put away their app knowing they have a clear plan in place to make things more manageable for them. Players can revisit to 'pop' tasks they have completed and be prompted to add on new tasks for the following weeks. Emotionally, players will feel settled and more comfortable knowing they have established an action plan to make life easier.
Phase 1 - Players take out their mobile in a space of their choice after the experience.
Phase 2 - Player opens their reflective mobile game.
Phase 3 - Players are asked how they feel and must respond by tapping an emotion choice.
Phase 4 - Players are offered with task categories and options to choose from.
Phase 5 - Players create their own personal agenda by dragging and dropping 'bubble icons'.
Phase 6 - Players carry on their day knowing they have a plan in place to prevent feeling overwhelmed by responsibility and things to do.

GAMEPLAY FLOW CHART - Page 69 Sketchbook
Understanding the main elements of gameplay in our game will allow me to create a basic flow chart to illustrate the order of gameplay and what might happen at every stage. During Semester 2, as we refine gameplay this flow chart will become more detailed and direct. (E.g. choices for interactions and the outcome of them)

This gameplay flowchart outlines the foundation of the gameplay experience. In green I have annotated each stage regarding how players should feel. The feelings of the player are our main priority and all depend on the way we tailor our game to evoke our desired emotions in players. We can use this as a draft to focus on the design of each stage to ensure it has our desired effect on players. For example, we will test gameplay at the third stage (observe surroundings) to evaluate whether or not players find their environment soothing and bring them a sense of calm/comfort. We can also use this to create a list of components needed for our game, ready for development.
To make the thoughts and feelings of players throughout much clearer, I will be using the process of 'Experience Mapping' to identify this at each phase of gameplay. Experience Maps also allow you to identify pain points and room for improvement/opportunity. Doing this will allow us to take our Project Proposal into Semester two and adapt and overcome issues we might face.
Using this I plan to write up a 'Game Overview', evaluating the pain points and opportunity that we can improve on next Semester. This should help our development of a suitable 'Gantt Chart'/Schedule in line with our methodology.
Kiera and I are pleased with our refined idea and are now ready to begin documenting our ideas for Visual Direction, Sound Direction and ideas for our Physical Space. Throughout the project we have been prototyping and testing our game which has led us to make design decisions and conclusions which we are now ready to take forward. I believe there is a lot to refine in Semester 2, however, what's most important is that we have our ideas in place and strong project goals to refer to. We plan to make a schedule for Semester 2 which will be documented in our Project Proposal, this timetable will consist of weekly tasks needed to fulfil to produce a functional project by the end of the 12 weeks! During this time we will do more in depth testing with users and evaluate the effectiveness of our design. For now, I will be focusing on the last few aspects of our game and providing examples to demonstrate gameplay and other game concepts like sound and art style.
Research into effectiveness of visuals and sound to support our design decisions based on what kind of music we intend to compose and choice for art style/visual appearance.
More explanation into how we will use the physical space
Ideas for our own creation of the space - construction and sustainable materials
Plan content and structure for the proposal
Game Overview - make things clear and distinct
Presentation - present proposal to class and gather feedback
Reflect! Next steps.
Extra research needed to finalise the last few elements of our project can be found here: