Phase 4
Presentation & Feedback:
Tuesday 18th January 2022
Kiera and I will be presenting our final project proposal, including the most important aspects of our idea and showcasing our process behind the outcome. We will share our research as well as visual and sound direction, mood-boards and final design conclusions. We should finalise the presentation by outlining our next steps for Semester Two to show we have explored the steps we need to take to fulfil our project scope.
We will also be presenting to a handful of Music students, so should be clear with our Sound Direction and expectations of this. Hopefully by the page, we will have our very own Sound Designer for 'The Immersive Safe Space'.
The requirements are to present our final Project Proposal and the following:
To include:
Cover key concepts including mechanics, colours typography, texture, feel.
Include an edited review of sketchbooks, notebooks etc
Drawings, sketches, mood-boards, artwork and concepts.
Prototype visuals.
Our target audience and the purpose of our proposed idea.
Next steps for us - schedule and organisation.
WEEK 14 - Presentation
Kiera and I will be preparing a presentation for our final project proposal, scheduled to take place on the 18th January 2022.
We will use the final bits of feedback and suggestions to enhance our Project Proposal for hand-in.
The Immersive Safe Space
We began by introducing the name of our project to our peers, and outlined the two elements of our proposal. First was the physical space and second was the reflective application.
Project Goals
We again mapped out our project goals to remind the class of what we aimed to achieve from our project/idea, specifically focusing on the life of a student and how we can benefit them.

Gameplay - Physical Space
Kiera outlined the main gameplay experience of the physical space and highlighted its immersive elements such as surround sound and visuals. She spoke about how important these two components are to our essential experience.
I began to provide listeners with our main areas of inspiration, involving immersive art exhibitions, immersive technology and physical spaces. I provided them with examples of spaces we'd visite, as well as some of my own research into Music Psychology.
Visual and Sound Design
I then went onto speak about our visual and sound direction. I included the kind of palette we were thinking of using and the 3 options we have for art style. This involves interactive illustrations, biomedical imaging and motion graphics. As well as this, I spoke about the intention of our sound design, and played two prototype videos to showcase both the sound we intend to make, and an example of visuals that will be projected onto the walls of the physical box.

We included the idea of our own constructed space to show that we have explored other options and took into account eco-friendly materials and environmental design factors. Kiera spoke about the materials we would source to do this, such as sustainably sourced wood and low or zero VOC paint.
Within our Proposal, we documented our design intentions for the space if we were to make it ourselves, including architectural drawings with measurements true to size.

This led Kiera in to talk more about prototyping of the physical space and exploring our options. The physical space would be either the 6m Cylinder or our own creation. We took into account the size of the space, and the materials it would be made from.

The Reflective App
I then went into describe our supporting application and it's purpose. I spoke about our inspiration for this, involving existing reflective apps and self-care methods like journalling or doodling.
Refining our Ideas
I presented some of my own concept drawings and prototyping methods as well as played my 'Figma' prototype video to demonstrate how the application would be used. I outlined the purpose, our design intentions and the reasoning behind this supporting app. However, spoke about our need for extra testing and refinement during Semester Two.

Next Steps
To finalise our Project Proposal presentation, I outlined our main/most important next steps for our game idea which involved looking more into interactions for the physical space and the supportive app. In addition to this, depending on which art style we choose, we may need to train in After Affects to enhance our animation and motion graphic skills - but this depends on our choice for visual appearance as we have 3 main art style choices as of right now.
FEEDBACK - under the microcosm 'ek44'.
During our presentation, our class were required to comment on our project proposal by answering the following:
1. What did you not understand or is not clear?
2. Where should the project go next?
3. What is exciting to you in the project?

Idea makes them feel safe
Concepts are shown well through prototypes
Like the idea for schools and universities to support the workplace
Unsure about the app - is the scope too big?
Risk assessment for building - talk to fine art technicians
Keep the design simple
Allow players to take notes on the app with the agenda - almost like a notepad
Colour green is good for soothing, also relaxing
Could use VR to model the space to match what you see
Could be exhibited in museum spaces!
Link to interactive elements examples -
To evaluate these responses, we had a few comments regarding the scope being too big which I can agree on. During Semester Two, I think it would be a great idea to start by refining the scope and thinking about the elements which need to be included and potentially disregard what doesn't matter as much. In addition to this, I think It would be a great idea to speak to universities and schools about this idea to see if we could take it further, as well as consider Museum Exhibits too! This would be an amazing way to take the idea forward and potentially even consider developing it further upon graduating. Keeping the design simple was certainly something that we should do during Semester Two, because sometimes I find myself getting excited by all these fancy and fascinating elements when really, it can be kept simple and still have the same effect. Step one, simplicity!
A detailed reflection of this Phase can be found on the following page and mine and Kiera's Project Proposal can be found here:
We were lucky enough to be visited by the Southampton University Music students who were interested in designing the sound for our games. The students watched us present and took notes regarding which projects they'd like to work on. After we were all introduced, the students were able to come and talk to us. Luckily, we had a few students interested in our idea which meant we got to talk to a handful of talented musicians!
We considered who would best fit our team and concluded on our choice, Harry! Harry is a Grade 8 Pianist with an interest in gathering atmospheric audio sources such as nature and environment sounds. He showed us some of his samples as we were impressed by his efforts so discussed with him a little further. Harry was excited to be able to design the soundtrack for our game and other sound effects if needed and because of this, we welcomed him into our group.
Since then, I have been in contact with Harry we have decided we will catch up with each other again in February! Harry was perfect for our project especially due to his Piano skills and interest in sound effects. We plan to discuss further next Semester and hopefully make something great! I plan to create a Sound Bible for our Sound Designer to ensure all the requirements and our expectations are met.