Project Goals:
Phase 3: Collaborating with Kiera
WEEK 6 - Combining Links & Project Goals
Kiera and I have made the decision to team up for this project as we felt our two topics worked well with each other. We have a lot of similar themes and a lot of our research topics crossed over. To avoid attempting to achieve two similar games we decided that teaming up would be a great choice. After working together during Semester 2 of Year 2 on Anima Mundi, we know we work well together and both put in the effort to achieve big things!​
During this phase I'll be documenting my project goals and intentions for what I'd like to achieve. I will also be documenting my collaboration work with Kiera!
This page is primarily based on our Project Goals, intentions and aims.
Before beginning ideation it would be great for us both to have a better understanding on each others topics! In order to do this I have suggested each creating informative posters which we can pin up in our workspace, including fun facts and information which will be useful before brainstorming concepts. From this we can then create a series of project goals to understand exactly what our intentions and aims are - This makes it easier to design in line with specific intentions and desires, especially specific needs of a particular target audience.​
My Informative Poster
What did I include & Why? - I touched on the topics which we had in common to establish them from my perspective! I also included some extra information regarding topics which I thought may be useful:

Kiera's Poster - Safe Spaces
Kiera included information on stimulation, music and sound and immersion - all of which are topics which I feel I should do extra research for before we begin the ideation stage.

Over-responsiveness of senses = Hypersensitivity
Under-responsiveness = Hyposensitivity
Stimulation is the engagement with senses from external stimulus such as sight, smell, touch, sound and taste.
Music and sound can be used to regulate stress - through sound, rhythm and vibrations.
Music and sound can effect physical regulation for example breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure. The use of this also relieves physical symptoms of anxiety and stress.
Emotional regulation - Includes escapism, maintaining focus, memory, mood boost and expression.
Technology such as cameras, sensors, lights and haptics can be used to create a sense of immersion.
Multi-sensory experiences and exhibitions involve engagement of senses.
Cross-over Topics
We each spider-diagrammed our topics on the same piece of paper and then circled the themes which we felt were connected or linked in some way. This way we can begin to narrow down our project goals.

Similar Themes
Therapy tool
Mental Health
Comfort Zones
Emotional Regulation
Sensory Stimulation
Emotional Power
From our brainstorm we have concluded that we are most interested in impacting mental health in a positive way as well as normalising self-expression and using tools that might help - involving music, sound and comfort zones. Our interests stem from being able to help others and providing people with a way to do so. We can use these themes to choose a direction for the project and make our intentions clear within our project goals.
Now we both have a clearer idea of each other's topic and our connected themes, we plan to brainstorm our project goals and conclude on our intentions for our project. These Project Aims can be used towards our Essential Experience, identifying ways we can fulfil our aims and deliver our intended experience to our chosen audience.​
Pink - Emilia
Green - Kiera

Our project aims are particularly based on providing individuals with an experience that encourages the regulation and reflection of their emotions. Whether this is to cope with the feeling of anxiety, stress or panic, we would like to create an experience which helps to manage these feelings. Our objectives involve using our knowledge into sound, the senses and immersion in order to achieve this to the best of our ability. Understanding the effects of different sounds and music on the brain will be especially helpful when designing this experience, ensuring the player feels exactly how we intend throughout. It is important that we put a lot of time into player experience, journey mapping and user-centred design to really understand the demands, wants and needs of our audience.
Our Project Goals highlight our ambitions for the project and also focus on topics we are both passionate about. I have spoken before about our interest in Games for Change, and by taking on this project together we can focus on what we care about most.
(How we can do this will be highlighted in pink)
To provide people with an immersive experience - Engage our audience by using the advantages of sound and visuals, taking into account the effects this can have on people.
Provide people with engaging visuals and sound - Put in effort to design according to what people want and how to make them feel a certain way. I can use my research into manipulating a persons feelings to do this. (Whether this is Sound Design or visual design)
To focus on the senses - Provide a stimulating experience, focusing on the senses which are most linked to emotional regulation (sound and sight)
To encourage self-expression - Put players in a collaborative situation or a way to communicate their thoughts/feelings. I can use my research into Music Therapy to assist this.
To reduce feelings of anxiety and stress - Take advantage of the effects of specific music genres and musical arrangements to evoke particular emotions. The benefits of music involve providing people with a method of distraction and to create a sense of calm - we can base the game/experience around interacting with music/sound to do this. (Requires focus)
To create a space for people to feel comfort/at ease - A safe and calm environment. Kiera's research into comfort zones will help with this.
Encourage the regulation of emotions - Use our knowledge into this to help others do the same.
Next it'll be useful to map out our essential experience.
It's useful to understand what exactly our intentions are and what is essential in order to capture the essence of this. This can help us be direct with our intentions and make our aims a little clearer. We can consider potential game elements and avenues of research.
I will document our essential experience in the following section.
​Can also be found here: Essential Experience