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What is Virtual Reality?

"A technology by which computer-aided stimuli create the immersive illusion of being somewhere else" - (Rubin, 2020)


The purpose of Virtual Reality is to immerse players in an artificial world. "Spacial Computing" is then used to allow players to interact with virtual objects in your environment. Similarly, Augmented Reality (AR) brings virtual objects into your real world environment.


The future of VR

The future of VR goes beyond games and entertainment. VR can be used for educational purposes as well as office work. This article explains how virtual experiences are stored in our brains just like any other memory, meaning it can be useful in terms of learning - possibly used more in schools in the future?

What interests me?

The elements of VR that interest me include the ability to be somewhere you have never been before or might never be. This excites me because the possibilities are limitless. The environment you're in can be anything you imagine, and being able to interact with this is just as exciting. My previous research is based on mental health and ways to overcome the feeling of anxiety, or simple coping mechanisms.

I'm keen to create an experience which combines these techniques with a specific gameplay and separate interactions that create an exciting interactive experience. My essential experience is based on providing players with an immersive interactive experience, somewhere they have never been before and therefore will interact based on their curiosity. My reasoning for choosing VR as the platform of my experience can be found in:

Ideation>Why VR

Player Experience - Virtual Reality

What does this mean for the player?

  • A Virtual space allows them to detach themselves from real-life scenarios.

  • People change their focus

  • Perspective changes

  • Escapism

  • Distraction - new environment, players are curious and feel the need to explore.

  • Often gamers are sat at a screen for multiple hours in one day. VR allows for physical activity which benefits both mental and physical health.


As part of my research, I looked into a variety of Virtual Reality games and experiences, to gather an insight on the kind of features that are most prominent or most used. I also looked at public reviews to understand which part/feature they found most interesting.

I used this research to understand the possibilities of Virtual Reality and how I can incorporate this into my own experience.

This research can be found in:

Menu Reviews>Games Reviews


Applying them to my Essential Experience - WHY VR?

Room-scale and Stationary Experiences

Room-scale allows users to walk freely around their virtual play area and physical surroundings. Their real-life movements are tracked into the digital environment by using inside-out tracking, therefore whatever they do in real life, they do in VR. Virtual Reality allows you to do anything you imagine, in a room-scale experience. However this depends on the physical space you have available. The Oculus Quest 2 allows user's to set their guardian boundary which prevents them from walking into tables, walls and other obstacles.

Stationary Experiences

A stationary Virtual reality experience is where the experience is designed around the seated user. (or standing) Stationary experiences are good for those who suffer with motion sickness or simply just prefer to be seated.

In terms of my Essential Experience

Room-scale experiences are much more immersive than stationary, because a players physical movement is translated into their digital environment. Any physical movement performed by the user will be translated. However, if the user was to stay seated, this makes the experience feel much less immersive and isn't as engaging. To capture the essence of my essential experience, room-scale experiences will be much more beneficial towards the experience feeling 'real' and encourage physical activity.



However, the issue with room-scale experiences is that they require quite a large empty space to avoid obstacles. This makes it hard for users without an empty space suitable for this.


Haptic Feedback

Haptic Feedback is built into virtual reality controllers. The Oculus Touch Controllers use rumble/vibrate to "provide users with contextual information". This happens when picking up an item or pressing buttons. This provides users with the feeling of real-life interactions. Stimulating these interactions represent what's happening in the game.

In terms of my Essential Experience

During my experience I would like players to feel as immersed as possible. Haptic Feedback creates an experience for players using touch, which is essential to immersion and making the experience seem real. Furthermore, the actions players will perform should provide haptic feedback, making the interaction seem real.

Surround Sound

The Oculus brand states sound is crucial when creating a believable VR experience. Oculus use specialised audio to re"replicate how sound waves interact with the environment as well as your head and ears". This is to make players feel as though they are in the virtual world. This provides a full 3D audio experience. Sounds come from above, behind and around you. This also gives developers the tools to make their experiences more realistic and expressive.

Oculus developed Near-Field HRTF. This allows developers to model sounds closer than one metre away. The effects of this - if players were to hold a ringing telephone for example, closer to the ear, this is replicated in VR and it would appear much louder. 

Volumetric Sound Sources

This tool allows designers to model objects and give their sound a larger radius.The larger the radius the larger the sounds source. Once players get closer to the point of sound, it will get progressively louder. 


Using research to establish my choice of platform:

"Many recent studies have identified the benefits of using VR in a variety of medical applications".



Virtual Reality in neuropsychology.

Therapeutic games for various diseases.

Motor Rehabilitation.


There has been an increase in the use of immersive 3D environments and serious games. For example video games being used for educational purposes. It's been considered using them for healthcare training. This offers virtual learning experiences of basic skills and techniques. Such as surgical simulators.


of Virtual Reality

  • Requires physical activity which is good for your overall health.

  • Encourages children who aren't expressive, improves their confidence and elevates their sense of pride.

  • You are involved in the game, you are the main character. Players feel a sense of control.

  • Experience something new, takes you beyond a screen.

  • A way to disconnect from reality and immerse yourself in a virtual environment.

  • Encourages physical movement rather than sitting in a desk chair for hours.

  • Influences people to interact, explore new surroundings.

  • Lets players have control of what they interact with and how.

In terms of my Essential Experience

The use of surround sound/audio is a really important factor in achieving my essential experience. This is because audio plays a big part in creating a real-like experience which contributes to immersion. Linking back to my research into distraction techniques, audio is a great way to disconnect from a stressful scenario or focus on something else. In terms of what I am trying to achieve, it's important for my player to feel as immersed as possible as if they are present in the virtual environment. Audio is something I will consider in terms of sound effects and can combine this with the use of Haptic Feedback to make their interaction much more realistic.

Also, in my Essential Experience I mention how I would like to provide players with an experience that offers a new perspective of some thing or place, preferably somewhere they have never been before. Using audio will provide them with insight on how things would sound in this specific environment. For example using surround sound to achieve the sound of a camels footsteps in the desert.

Serious Games &

VR for Healthcare


which I'll have to overcome

Potential Drawback

Fun Fact - Simulator Sickness

Latency - time or effect of physical change in the system being observed. When rotation makes the Virtual world you see appear blurred, your brain assumes you've been poisoned. Your bodies reaction to this is making you feel queasy! This is why people experience motion/simulator sickness when they put on the headset.

Physical space may be limited depending on the users surroundings. Ways to overcome this is to use a feature which provides the option to travel/navigate using the touch controllers, rather than their physical self.




My Essential Experience focuses on providing players with an immersive experience, but how?

Immersive experiences can be used to transport users to another place or time, to tell a story, to convey a message, to educate or to entertain.

First of all I must know my purpose and understand why I am building an immersive experience.

My experience will provide Escapism for the player, encourage physical activity and challenge player focus. I will use my User Design Research to consider the way I intend for players to feel and how I can do this in-game.

Tell a story - I have control over the content and it's delivery. What role does my player have in the story? Do I want my player to be left with a message? Players will have the main role in the game. They establish their purpose for being on board the spacecraft at the beginning of the experience, and gameplay progresses once the story unfolds.

Engage the Senses - The experience must evoke emotion and imagination. Incorporate senses. How? - Sound, Imagery. How do I bring the experience to life? Use of Surround Sound is essential to my experience. Audio related to my game theme to create a life-like experience. Imagery must captivate players and intrigue them. The use of Space - an environment they will never get to visit (Lens of Projection and Beauty) so players will interact out of curiosity and interest.

Technology - Not the only element involved! Technology should integrate with the story and physical space. Simplest use of technology - interactions won't be complex, but the outcome must still excite users. Aboard spacecraft, interactions will be simple but essential. Almost like the player is following essential astronaut protocols.

Interaction - Involve the user. Increases continued engagement. Make player's feel empowered by interacting with surroundings. Provide players with a range of interactions in the Spacecraft.

My overall VR research has led to my awareness of the possibilities in a virtual space. For example players would be able to pick up objects and interact with them in some manor, while using haptic feedback to simulate real interactions. Virtual Reality also allows for players to increase their physical activity, involving jumping, reaching for things or quick paced movements. An important aspect of Virtual Reality is having players become the 'Main Character', they are in complete control.

After outlining the possible in-game features/elements, I had a clearer idea of how to achieve the essence of my essential experience.

So where do we go from here?

Using the connection between Virtual Reality environments and my essential experience, I created a gameplay loop using a potential game theme.

Above I have used my Game Theme research to establish ways of achieving an immersive experience. As seen in Green.

Where to find this?

Ideation & Development > Initial Idea -  

This section explains my choice for VR in terms of my gameplay loop and reasoning for my chosen theme.

Research > Game Theme -

This section is research based on my chosen theme. Research covers possible player interactions in relation to the environment and fulfilling the aspects of my gameplay loop.


I am 19 years old, currently studying Games Design and Art at the University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art.

I hope you enjoy!

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