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"A prototype is your way of testing out concepts without putting in too much time or effort"

After attempting to design a Virtual Reality Game, I can disagree with this statement :)


In this section I create a series of prototypes to further develop my gameplay and player experience, as well as in terms of visuals and design.


This is my first prototype to demonstrate my gameplay loop. The main activity will consist of multitasking between controls to avoid the main risk, being incoming asteroids. The reward from the experience will be their journey length time and placement on the leaderboard. The experience gives players the opportunity to compete against friends and interact in a virtual environment.


Players will use their control panel to avoid incoming asteroids. This will consist of multiple buttons and switches in order to do so.

My essential experience focuses on immersing and engaging players - ways to achieve this is to develop the multitasking element so players have a lot to do in a short space of time. This means more interaction in order for players to take advantage of their abilities in VR and to apply pressure, making gameplay more challenging.


I received feedback from classmates via Zoom and they enjoy the sound of the fast-pace gameplay however would like to have another objective for playing, something extra to interact with.

As well as this they'd like to see how exactly the control panel will work and if the player will have other abilities, as well as destroying asteroids.

Next steps for development

During my next stages of development I will research into the game theme (Space) and use this to develop alternative interactions for players in this environment.

Continue to prototype gameplay and include more detail into how players will interact with their control panel.

Gameplay Loop

Ability/Risk: Multitask between controls to destroy incoming asteroids.

Reward: Journey time on the leaderboard.

Opportunity: Challenge and compete against friends.


interacting in space.png

INTENTIONS: Using my research into interactions in space I created a mindmap to expand on how else players could interact in space. Due to my interest in "Mission: ISS" virtual reality game,(game review can be found here) I began to look into zero-gravity. This experience simulates the feeling of a zero-gravity environment to explore a realistic replica of a space station. I began to research into zero-gravity and ways of achieving the feeling in a virtual environment. Research can be found here: Game Theme.

Achieving the feeling of 'weightlessness' within the environment is essential to simulating the feeling as realistically as I can. To do this the players perspective must be constantly moving, to appear as if they are floating. As well as this players should be able to rotate 360 degrees using their touch controllers - in zero gravity there is no right way up!


Revisiting my previous feedback, my classmates were interested in discovering an objective for being on board this spacecraft and a reason for their journey.

I mapped multiple purposes for the journey and chose the one that linked best to my essential experience.

My essential experience outlines that giving players some kind of responsibility within the game applies pressure and encourages them to perform well. Because of this, I chose the idea that I feel fits best to be the game objective. I combined my research and feedback to create the following synopsis:

"You are an astronaut on board your spacecraft, with the objective to transport your crew to another planet".

This prototype is a storyboard example of Crew seated in the Mid-Deck (Game Theme Research) which according to research is a zero-gravity environment. Crew will be seated and players will be able to experience the simulation as well as interacting with their crew, and objects around them. (Dialogue System found here)


Players will interact with objects floating around them. To understand how objects appear in space and experience the feeling of "weightlessness".

Players can interact with crew by holding a conversation with them. This is when players discover their objective - they are being relied on by crew to transport them safely.





INTENTIONS: I wanted to advance the level of gameplay and incorporate ways to overcome the damage caused by asteroids. Otherwise players will be attempting to destroy all the asteroids at increasing speeds, making it harder to last for a long length of time.

The main hazard: Asteroids.

I have incorporated a 'Reward' which will be a series of small repair tasks to reduce the amount of damage done to your spacecraft. Repairs are essential while travelling in space. 

(Game Theme Research)


Repairs take place outside the spacecraft and will require players to exit the ship. I created a lego animation prototype of the overall gameplay so far:


Players exit their spacecraft through airlock door and perform a spacewalk in order to Repair Ship.

Repairs will be through small puzzles and will last 1 minute long.

Players must put on their helmet - this is an essential procedure/protocol to performing a spacewalk.

Winning/Losing Conditions

After Prototyping, I evaluated the effects of my intentions.

Introducing this new mechanic/interaction means another losing condition.

In this case, if repair tasks aren't completed within the given timeframe, asteroids will cause damage to your ship and the game will end.

As well as this if players forget to put on their helmet and exit the ship the game will end.

(Example of encouraging players to follow astronaut procedures throughout! - Requires Focus).

Next steps for development

Use the established controls/functions to prototype a control panel:

Gameplay Loop

Ability/Risk: Interact with Crew and floating objects.

Reward: Experience microgravity.

Opportunity: Communicate in a microgravity environment and keep control of your position.

Gameplay Loop

Ability/Risk: Perform Repair tasks in under a minute.

Reward: Reduce amount of damage caused.

Opportunity: Reduce damage bar therefore increasing journey time.

Interact with basic puzzles in space.


IMG_8394 2.HEIC
IMG_8400 2.HEIC
IMG_8398 2.HEIC

Prototype shows interaction with control panel functions.

INTENTIONS: After developing the exact functions of the control panel I made a paper prototype to show the interaction with specific control panel functions.

This is an example of shooting projectiles in one of 9 positions across the player view, and increasing system-control dials.

All reasoning can be found in Game Theme Research & Player Experience.


Steer - change orientation of spacecraft.

Fire Projectiles - Press buttons in desired position. 9 Placements as seen above.

Slide dials to keep spacecraft systems level and updated.

I also implemented the use of a Yoke - steering device used in aircrafts. You can perform 3 movements using a Yoke but I chose the two that are most relevant to gameplay.

Players will be able to perform a "Roll" and "Pitch" in order to dodge asteroids. This allows players to interact with their control panel more and introduces a new mechanic rather than just shooting the asteroids, players will be able to dodge them.

This prototype shows touch controllers being used to grab the steering device and change the orientation. (Forwards, backwards, left and right)

Winning/Losing Conditions

Hazard - if players don't keep their system levels between minimum and maximum this can cause more damage to the ship.


To keep gameplay balanced I decided the result of this to increase damage rather than end the game. To have many losing conditions makes gameplay much harder for players and because of this they are less likely to want to carry on playing. This way, players will be able to repair any damage caused. (A way to adapt and overcome)

Prototyping 2.png


Layout was far too simplistic. Having the controls laid out this way made it easier to control. Also the lack of interaction meant I didn't feel as engaged as I could have. In my next prototypes I will alter the layout of the controls to capture the essence of my essential experience. It's ideal for players to feel out of control when it comes to multitasking and their surroundings overwhelming them - I can do this by adapting the control panel with controls that cannot be interacted with. (Purely there for visual purposes). I also need to establish a layout for the panel which demonstrates the way multitasking will work.

Prototyping - how control panel


The reassurance buttons will be placed above players which ensures to encourage more movement around their virtual play-area.

Gameplay Loop

Ability/Risk: Multitask to fire projectiles and dodge incoming asteroids.

Reward: Dodge and destroy asteroids.

Opportunity: Avoid damage, change orientation of your ship. Use control functions.



This physical prototype of the control panel allowed me to establish which layout was best suitable.

I prototyped the controls that are most relevant in terms of gameplay. On the final control panel design it will consist of more controls/buttons/dials which players will not be able to interact with. They will be there primarily for visual purposes only.


The following video prototype demonstrates how players will interact with the system controls and projectile buttons.

Outcome & Next-Step Improvements

Player view is restricted - players will have to switch between firing projectiles and looking into Space to establish asteroid positioning. Because of the limited space, this means only a few asteroids will be seen at one time.

Next steps:

- 3D model environment example

- Combine environment with cockpit concept.



Environment Prototypes

I made these environment prototypes using Blender. The process of this was part of my Personal Development which can be found here: Personal Development>3D Modelling Environment.

These prototypes are examples of how Space would appear from the view of the player. Asteroids will be positioned differently throughout gameplay. These are examples of left and right positioning.

My Design section evaluates my choice of lighting, composition and textures which can be found here: Design



I animated by 3D models in Blender to achieve a realistic representation of how the asteroids will appear travelling towards the Player. The way I did this was by using a Particle System and decreasing the Gravity to zero. The process can be found here: 

I was unable to Render the file however I took a screen recording instead.

Personal Development>3D Modelling Environment.

Evaluation / Outcome

I am happy with the outcome of this prototype. It's essential for the speed of the asteroids to increase so the game becomes more challenging for the player. This links to my essential experience - gradually applying pressure, making it more overwhelming and challenging.


cockpit prototype.png

This sketch provides an example of the players perspective in the control room. 

I combined this cockpit sketch with my environment prototype - it visualises how the environment will appear to players at this point.

Controls are accessible and encourages player movement.



The view out the window of the spacecraft is limited - as explained in my Player Experience Development section.

Having too many interactions for one specific ability would also over-do mechanics and bore players.

Prototype shows the positioning of projectiles once they have been fired from the different points.

In my development I evaluated how this was too many and therefore reduced the positioning of projectiles down to 5.

Due to the restricted view of the player, there will only be so many asteroids at once. This is now how projectiles will appear once fired from each point:



I prototyped my final control panel design using methods such as inspiration mood-boards and sketching. This can be found here: Design.


My choice for this layout made the relevant controls more accessible for players and also requires players to move around in order to use each one.


This captures the essence of my essential experience as players will be able to move around in their virtual play-area. Reassurance button controls will also be above the player.


UI Prototype & Shield Mechanic

This prototype demonstrates the use of the UI - Players will have a Damage Bar on their left to indicate how much damage they have caused, and because of this they can choose when to do Repair Tasks. Full bars means full damage meaning the game will end. This video shows one more hit of damage will cause the game to end, so the player uses their Shield button to provide protection to their ship as they do repair tasks.

Radar Display / Asteroid Warning

This prototype demonstrates the Audio used to warn and alert players of nearby asteroids. This will prepare them and they will position themselves ready for gameplay.


Audio is an important aspect of my game which should be incorporated into most if not all interactions to provide players with a fully immersive experience. This can be found in the Sound and Haptic Feedback section of my GDD.



My intention for this prototype was to demonstrate how the Function Descriptions would appear during gameplay, and once players interacted with them.


I tested this idea by giving my Mum the controller and seeing how she interacted with the controls after she read the descriptions.


She said they were explained nicely and she was able to understand their functions easily, although she thinks the text wasn't displayed for long enough.

However due to it being an interactive experience based off the users actions, players can choose to read/hear the description by interacting as many times as they like.


I am happy with the outcome of this prototype. The use of the HUD on the first game walkthrough ensures players will be comfortable in their environment and will provide them with the guidance they need before they tackle main gameplay.

Gameplay Loop

Ability/Risk: Function tutorial/demonstration. Interact with all functions.

Reward: Understand the functions around your environment.

Opportunity: Use the functions throughout strategically.



My intention for the repair tasks were to be completed in under a minute, ensuring players made it back in time before their 'Shield' collapses. I didn't want to make gameplay impossible or too complicated. This stage encourages players to pay attention to their surroundings through following procedures before performing the spacewalk.

Such as putting on their helmet, attaching their tether and exiting through the airlock doors. These are all hazards which can lead to losing the game.


After testing these two repair task examples, I can safely say they take less than 1 minute to execute therefore this will not be an issue for players, its an easy way for players to reduce the amount of damage, but their main focus should be executing them safely by following the procedures.

The level of difficulty should not increase throughout gameplay, the only aspect of the game that should increase in difficulty will be the speed of the asteroids, making multitasking harder. This will already apply pressure to players, but I don't want to make it so that they are discouraged to carry on playing.


My intentions overall are to have players immersed in their virtual environment by being required to carry out a range of different important interactions to ensure the safety of their journey and therefore lasting as long as they can.

This will require their full attention at all times in order to follow procedures, look out for asteroids, keep systems in check and regularly reassure crew.


I am 19 years old, currently studying Games Design and Art at the University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art.

I hope you enjoy!

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