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During my Ideation & Development I used surveys to gather feedback and suggestions from friends, family and classmates.

I have linked throughout my website where I have used this research.


I made this survey to gather research into which themes and types of gameplay were most appealing to a particular audience.

Favourite Game Genre?

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If you could play any game in VR which one would it be?

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Favourite Game Genre?

  • Adventure

Space Theme appeals the most to most 18-24 year olds.

Peoples reasoning for playing games vary. Mostly to play with friends and for the social benefit. Stress relief is a close second.

Story-based/Narrative games and Competitive gameplays are preferred over Co-op/Other.

Most people prefer Playstation Console.

71% of people have an interest in Virtual Reality.

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"VR Game Research"

I created this survey to gather research into how users would like to interact in Space and what interests them.

To engage my players as best as I can, I will use the common interests and suggestions within the experience.



What would you do as an astronaut? (Most common responses)

  • Repairs outside the space station. Use VR to recreate peril level.

  • Feel in control - different controls and displays

  • Short tasks as well

  • Fix damages

  • Shoot things

  • Keep running smoothly

  • Use controllers to control jets for movement in space.

What else would you like to be in control of?

  • Be aware of incoming asteroids by info-map

  • Maintain ships core systems (oxygen etc)

  • Introduce Zero Gravity

  • Zero-gravity in ship - floating objects

  • Feel in control for immersive experience

82.4% of people are interested in experiencing the feeling of Zero-Gravity!


Survey Outcome - next steps

After gathering feedback and suggestions I am going to develop my concept further by introducing ways for players to have a more interactive experience, rather than just controlling the ship.

I will look into Zero-Gravity and combine this with performing repair tasks. This gives players the chance to get involved in other areas of the spacecraft/space.

To have players feel as in control as possible, I will use the idea of system controls - players will have to make sure the systems are running smoothly at the same time as piloting the ship.

Another suggestion I was given was to do announcements to passengers such as get your seatbelts on/signalling. This can be to provide them with signalling when repairs take place or when the ship has taken damage.


This survey gave a brief summary on my game synopsis and asked people to choose between three potential game names.

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The responses to my game synopsis were mostly positive except for one who was worried the game will make them feel sick! - Maybe.


Which game name best suits the game experience?

  • Outer Mind - 54.5%

  • Outer-Control - 36.4%

  • Mind-Space - 9.1%

'Outer Mind' had the most votes!

Survey Outcome -

next steps


Final Game Logo -

My next steps will be to generate a range of fonts using the text "Outer Mind".

I will also use other game logos to influence the design of my own. The Logo workshop outlines how to create an effective logo so I will take this into consideration during the design of my final game logo.


I am 19 years old, currently studying Games Design and Art at the University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art.

I hope you enjoy!

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