During my Ideation & Development I used surveys to gather feedback and suggestions from friends, family and classmates.
I have linked throughout my website where I have used this research.
I made this survey to gather research into which themes and types of gameplay were most appealing to a particular audience.
Favourite Game Genre?

If you could play any game in VR which one would it be?

Favourite Game Genre?
Space Theme appeals the most to most 18-24 year olds.
Peoples reasoning for playing games vary. Mostly to play with friends and for the social benefit. Stress relief is a close second.
Story-based/Narrative games and Competitive gameplays are preferred over Co-op/Other.
Most people prefer Playstation Console.
71% of people have an interest in Virtual Reality.

"VR Game Research"
I created this survey to gather research into how users would like to interact in Space and what interests them.
To engage my players as best as I can, I will use the common interests and suggestions within the experience.

What would you do as an astronaut? (Most common responses)
Repairs outside the space station. Use VR to recreate peril level.
Feel in control - different controls and displays
Short tasks as well
Fix damages
Shoot things
Keep running smoothly
Use controllers to control jets for movement in space.
What else would you like to be in control of?
Be aware of incoming asteroids by info-map
Maintain ships core systems (oxygen etc)
Introduce Zero Gravity
Zero-gravity in ship - floating objects
Feel in control for immersive experience
82.4% of people are interested in experiencing the feeling of Zero-Gravity!

Survey Outcome - next steps
After gathering feedback and suggestions I am going to develop my concept further by introducing ways for players to have a more interactive experience, rather than just controlling the ship.
I will look into Zero-Gravity and combine this with performing repair tasks. This gives players the chance to get involved in other areas of the spacecraft/space.
To have players feel as in control as possible, I will use the idea of system controls - players will have to make sure the systems are running smoothly at the same time as piloting the ship.
Another suggestion I was given was to do announcements to passengers such as get your seatbelts on/signalling. This can be to provide them with signalling when repairs take place or when the ship has taken damage.
This survey gave a brief summary on my game synopsis and asked people to choose between three potential game names.

The responses to my game synopsis were mostly positive except for one who was worried the game will make them feel sick! - Maybe.
Which game name best suits the game experience?
Outer Mind - 54.5%
Outer-Control - 36.4%
Mind-Space - 9.1%