This is my Games Design Document for my game: Outer Mind.
The name represents player interaction with their virtual environment, being in outer space. The experience provides players with a method of escapism by requiring full focus and giving them the opportunity to visit a fantasy environment, from the comfort of their home. This name was generated by brainstorming the main aspects of the experience and is loosely based on the possibilities of Virtual Reality - Becoming the main character in a virtual environment.
Experience what it’s like to become a Pilot Astronaut, float in microgravity and take necessary action to avoid destruction of your spacecraft. This is Virtual Reality; you are the one in charge.
Players take on the role of a Pilot Astronaut and must take extra precaution to ensure they transport their crew safely. The journey will require players full focus in order to multitask strategically between controls, to dodge and destroy increasingly fast-paced asteroids, as well as being responsible for updating systems and keeping crew reassured. Players have the opportunity to experience the effects of a microgravity environment while interacting with crew and performing a spacewalk to repair any damage caused by asteroids.
Players will be immersed in an intense and overwhelming virtual environment. This provides users with a method of escapism and allows them to disconnect from their reality. The longer their journey lasts, the higher up their place on the leaderboard, and the more consistent they are with reassuring their passengers, the higher their overall experience rating. This motivates players to go head to head with friends and play until they beat their previous time. Players are tested under pressure and gradually adapt to the functions of the overwhelming environment.
The core mechanics of the experience each play their part in gameplay progression.
In order to prevent damage from incoming asteroids:
Use buttons provided to fire projectiles in 5 positions, depending on the positioning of asteroids. This destroys them.
Change the orientation of your spacecraft in order to Dodge incoming asteroids, by using the Yoke (steering device) players are able to move forward, backwards, left or right.
Repair Damage - Players take damage by failing to avoid asteroids and therefore must perform repair tasks: (Examples of repair tasks below)
Complete puzzles by grabbing and putting pieces together.
Connecting wires by grabbing and attaching correctly.
Tap in Code by using point and press interaction.
Fix navigation map by hovering over screen and sliding finger to interact.
Update Systems & Crew – players must listen out for crew communication and keep their spacecraft systems regularly updated:
Slide dials to keep all system levels between minimum and maximum. System levels will increase and decrease throughout the game and players must pay attention to this.
Press the buttons above to keep crew updated. Players will communicate through the radio by asking questions and they must respond truthfully.
(Beat Chart including main stages of the experience, mechanics, interactions and controls can be found here:)
Virtual Reality game that provides players with an opportunity to experience both authentic and fantastic elements of space, from an astronaut’s perspective. Players experience microgravity environments, as well as fast-pace gameplay and crucial astronaut procedures. Players use their flight-deck controls to strategically avoid damage during their journey and execute repair puzzles by performing a spacewalk. Player interactions are simulated to feel real and put players into the shoes of a pilot.
Survival, Action-Adventure based game where the goal is to survive as long as you can in an immersive sci-fi environment, by preventing incoming asteroids from destroying your ship, executing repairs, keeping systems up to date and your crew reassured throughout. As the speed of asteroids increase overtime, players must be prepared to pick up the pace and undertake the necessary course of action in order to survive.
The target audience are those interested in Virtual Reality games and understanding elements of Space. Additionally, the main experience should excite people as well as offering them a unique method of distraction.
The aim is to last as long as Players can until their spacecraft takes maximum damage, suggestive of death, however there are no visuals of violence, blood or gore. The game is not designed for a particular group of people therefore provide a wide audience with a method of escapism.
This game is not appropriate for those who suffer with motion or simulator sickness due to sensory conflict. Essentially when the virtual environment is moving around the stationary player, this causes a “mismatch of senses” which confuses the brain and results in feeling nauseous. During the experience players are exposed to a microgravity environment where they must adjust to the feeling of weightlessness, which can also lead to motion/simulator sickness.
Due to the content of the experience, it’s not suitable for individuals below the age of 12 unless they have been given permission by a parent or guardian. The ESRB Rating of this experience will be T (Teen).

Game Menu:
Players will click ‘Launch’ in order to begin the game.

Dialogue Encounter -
During the first moments of the game, players experience a dialogue encounter with their crew, where User Interface is used to provide players with response options.
This is where players become aware of their main objective.
This dialogue system outlines the discussion with the crew and potential player response options:

Dialogue will appear on screen according to the responses of this Dialogue System. Players will then use their touch controller to point and press a response option.
Audio Commentary and Visual Descriptions of functions -
Players are able to interact with their control panel and are provided with audio guidance on each function of their controls as well as the functions around the ship. These will be displayed at the relevant points, during their first walkthrough of the experience.
As well as using audio I have designed heads-up display so players will be provided with a description on screen and a basic ‘how to use’ illustration:

Example of how the HUD will appear after interacting:
Damage display -
Bars will show how much of the ship is damaged and therefore will require repairs.
Each bar represents 10% damage. Repair tasks repair 20%.
When Player's damage bar reaches 100%, the game will end.
The design of the UI, HUD and Game Menu will correspond with the style of the game.
(Design concepts can be found in Art Bible)

MOCK-UP - Damage Bar is reaches 90%, Player applies the Shield to protect their ship for one minute while they execute repairs.
This is a basic leader board design concept.
The leaderboard will record the Players game results in terms of their Journey Length and experience rating. Their experience rating is based off their consistency in reassuring their Crew. If they fail to do this, their rating will be low.
Their overall placement allows players to challenge and compete with their friends.