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What do Players do?


1. Players aim is to strategically multitask between controls on their flight-deck to dodge and destroy asteroids.

2. Provide crew with a good experience.

3. Repair any damage taken.


The purpose of the journey is to transport crew to their destination safely, so the longer players last without taking maximum damage, the more successful they will be.



Players should be fully immersed in the experience through the use of Sound, Haptic Feedback and a range of interactions. I intend for each stage of the experience to require a different interaction to excite the player and keep them engaged.

Throughout the experience Players must follow specific Astronaut Procedures which are vital. This represents the role of a Pilot Astronaut realistically as well as keeping players immersed at each stage of the game.

An example of this is when Players perform a Spacewalk. They must put on their Helmet, Open and Close the Airlock doors and attach a Tether to their spacesuit. If these are not undertaken, gameplay will restart.



Players begin in the control room of their spacecraft where they are able to interact with their controls for the first time and be provided with both visual and audio commentary, describing their functions.


They are then able to explore their surroundings and will come across a ladder, leading to an airlock door and microgravity environment. This is where their crew are stationed. At this stage, one of the passengers will begin a discussion with the player and UI response options will show on screen. Players establish their objective is to transport their crew safely despite the harsh conditions and pressure of being a pilot. In the microgravity environment, players will also be able to interact with floating objects.


Now players are aware of their objective. They re-enter the main control room and receive a warning from their radar display, which alerts players of nearby asteroids. This is where players take necessary action to prevent damage to their ship and crew, by dodging or firing projectiles. During this, dials on their right side will represent system levels such as Co2 and Temperature, which must be kept level at all times. As well as this, Crew will communicate with the player through the radio device stationed on their flight-deck, asking for reassurance from their Pilot! Players can respond by using the controls above them to reflect the performance of the journey.


These elements make multitasking more difficult, which makes it easy for players to miss an asteroid or two and take damage. If players take damage, their ‘Damage Bar’ will alert this and players will feel the effects through haptic feedback (vibrations/rumbling). Players must protect their ship using a Shield function, providing their ship with protection for 1 minute, as well as sending a warning to crew. They will then have to perform a spacewalk by following the necessary procedures and exit the ship to execute repair tasks in outer space, in the form of basic puzzles and during this timeframe. Following procedures before the Spacewalk are essential. If Players do not put on their Helmet or attach their Tether this will result in a loss. If they fail to perform the task in time, the shield will collapse, maximum damage will be taken and the game restarts.


Players aim for the longest journey length possible which is recorded on the Leader board once players take full damage. But as well as this, players will be provided with a rating out of 3 stars, which determines the performance of the journey scored by the Crew. This outcome depends on how reassured they were throughout the journey (using the green signal to do so), which is recorded by the consistency of their ability to respond when the Crew communicates with them.

Experience Map

I have provided an experience map to elaborate on the interactions within each stage and the opportunities players can face.

Screenshot 2021-01-13 at 17.49.25.png
Screenshot 2021-01-13 at 17.49.38.png


In order to clearly and precisely explain the gameplay at each stage of the experience, I have created a table to outline the interactions, mechanics and controls as well as additional features during each phase of gameplay.

I have used the structure of a Beat Chart in order to present each stage clearly:

(Research>Understanding GDD>Scott Rogers)

Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 18.46.14.png
Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 18.46.22.png
Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 18.46.28.png


I have mapped the default gameplay controls in order to perform each interaction during the experience:




Within the Mid-Deck is a Microgravity environment where the initial dialogue encounter takes place. In this room players will also be able to interact with floating objects around them. This will be by simply using their Grip and Trigger buttons to grab objects and observe them.

These assets will be given zero gravity in order to appear like they're floating:

floating objects.png


Players will fire projectiles from 5 positions. Asteroids will be scattered appearing from the front and outside of their ship, the position players choose to fire projectiles should be the position asteroids are placed:


This Markov Chain displays how the AI will generate the placement of Asteroids depending on the spacecrafts positioning:

Screenshot 2020-11-05 at 15.15.48.png

GIF - Demonstrates interaction with button to fire projectiles towards the top left asteroid.

Once players fire projectiles at asteroids they will feel the impact of the explosion through haptic feedback and the sound through their headsets audio system. As well as this the explosion will appear for a few seconds to indicate they have been destroyed.


Players will be able to dodge asteroids as an alternative to firing projectiles. This will be through the use of their steering device by changing the orientation of their spacecraft to dodge and avoid asteroids. This will be through 1 of 4 movements:

Pitch - forwards or backwards to avoid asteroids at the top or bottom.

Roll - left or right to avoid asteroids from the left or right.

This avoids damage from incoming asteroids in the position they rotate in.

Players will experience the effects of this by the outside environment moving according to the spacecrafts orientation.


GIF - Demonstrates player interaction with the Yoke.


Players will follow the necessary procedures before performing a Spacewalk. If they are not undertaken, this will lead to a loss, taking them to the end Leader board display. This ensures players pay attention to detail and focus to ensure they last as long as they can.

1. Pull down and wear Helmet.

2. Open and close Airlock Door.

3. Attach Tether.

latch door.png

REPAIR TASKS - Interaction

Each Repair Task will take place in a microgravity environment, being Space - where players will feel the effects of microgravity through constant movement and the ability to rotate 360 degrees using their Right-hand Touch Controller.

Repair Tasks will be displayed on the side of the spacecraft and must be completed in under a minute. Time should be displayed during the task.

These tasks reduce damage by 20%, allowing gameplay to last longer and motivate players to carry on playing.

Before Players can perform a repair task they must apply their Shield by using the button on their control panel. This provides their ship with a minute of protection to prevent asteroid damage. After this time, damage can be taken.

1 hit = 10% damage.

Example shows completion of a repair task:



Players will receive communication from Crew through their Radio device. This will be received in an Audio Format, where players will then have to respond using the buttons above them. If they ask a question, players must respond accordingly.

As well as this, players must use their Warning Button to alert Crew that you are exiting the ship to execute repair tasks. If players fail to do this, this has an effect on their experience rating.

The end result consists of an experience rating, this is calculated by the consistency of their responses. If players fail to respond and warn crew, this will lower their experience rating out of three stars.


The colour of button they press does not have an impact on their overall experience score. However it would be ideal for players to use the right one accordingly.

These are examples of communication from Crew:

(These are in order of gameplay)

Screenshot 2021-01-24 at 21.06.35.png

GIF - Demonstrates player interaction with reassurance buttons after receiving communication.



In terms of achievement, the player aims to keep everything under control for the longest time possible as well as score the highest rating from their crew.

The journey time will be recorded by the time spent during the main gameplay. This will begin from when they are alerted of incoming asteroids and ends wherever they struggle to control everything at once!

Their experience rating will be judged on their consistency in reassuring Crew.

When the Crew communicate with players, they must use their signals above to provide communication back. If players respond every time, they will get 3/3 stars.


This will be recorded in a leader board system when gameplay ends. There is no way to win the game, instead it’s based on how long you can last under pressure and performing well in these conditions. Below is a concept for the appearance of the leaderboard:

final leaderboard.png



The main game risk is the asteroids which increase in speed throughout gameplay, and potentially cause damage to the players spacecraft. However, there are multiple hazards/obstacles along the way which will lead to causing more damage.

  • Failing to keep systems in check - If players do not interact with their system dials 30/40 seconds after their initial interaction with them, this will lead to taking 10% more damage. Players must constantly pay attention to their environment to take this into consideration. (Represents Co2 in the air or temperature overheating)

  • Not responding to crew once they have communicated with you can result in a bad experience rating once gameplay has ended.



These losing conditions result in a loss and lead the game to an end, where the leader board is then displayed and players are given their journey length, experience rating and their placement in comparison to friends.


  • Asteroid speed increases overtime, making multitasking harder for players to manage as time progresses - Once players take maximum damage (full damage bar) the game will end.

  • Timeframe on repair tasks - If players do not return within the given period, their Shield will 'collapse', asteroids will destroy their ship and the game will end.

  • Failing to follow astronaut procedures - Forgetting to apply the tether or wearing their space helmet before a spacewalk will cause gameplay to end. This suggests how these procedures are a vital part of being an Astronaut. This ensures player focus in order to perfect each stage and therefore extend journey time.


I am 19 years old, currently studying Games Design and Art at the University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art.

I hope you enjoy!

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